Welcome to our practices for gastroenterology and hepatology
In our practices (Gastrointestinal Basel and Gastrointestinal Aarau) we offer you various specialist medical examinations and therapies for gastrointestinal complaints including liver diseases and chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis). We carry out all gastroenterological examinations such as gastroscopy, colonoscopy and ultrasound. Our goal is the careful and best possible treatment in your personal situation. With a highly trained staff, we guarantee you individual patient care in a pleasant environment.
We adapt our medical infrastructure to ongoing developments so that we can treat you with the most modern technology. Due to our constant further training, you will be accompanied by us according to the latest findings and the highest standards.
As a so-called referral practice, we are usually at your side after the recommendation of your family doctor or referral by specialists. We work closely with them on every decision.
We have maintained a good relationship for years with our gastroenterological and surgical colleagues in the region and throughout Switzerland, as well as with the surrounding hospitals. With our excellent network, we can offer you a wide range of top medical services close to where you live. For gastroenterology and hepatology, we have first-class networks in Basel and Aarau.

Interesting facts
Frequently asked questions and answers in the area of gastrointestinal disorders: Here you will find comprehensive information on the most common concerns relating to our endoscopic examinations. Our specially trained and experienced team of doctors and specialists will give you detailed answers in order to offer you the best possible support.
To make an appointment (check-up / gastroscopy / colonoscopy), we need a referral from your treating doctor or you can refer yourself by clicking "Register here" . After receiving the referral, we will contact you, either by phone, email or post.
How can I make an appointment?
Preparation varies depending on the examination. You will find all the information you need in the documents we send you. Fasting plays a role in gastroscopy and sonography. Taking laxatives is essential for colonoscopies, proctoscopy and rectal endosonography. An enema is provided in our practice for sigmoidoscopies.
How do I have to prepare?
Propofol puts you into a twilight sleep while you dream. After waking up, most patients are talkative and slightly dazed.
How does propofol work?
After a colonoscopy, blood in the stool, a feeling of pressure or fullness may occur, which is normal. After a gastroscopy, more sensitive people may experience a temporary scratchy throat or difficulty swallowing, but this will subside within 24 hours. Please note that driving is prohibited after using propofol. Using public transport is recommended, as propofol can be detected in the blood for up to 24 hours. After the examination, you can eat normally again.
What should I pay attention to after the examination?
Endoscopy is a procedure that allows us to examine and treat hollow organs such as the stomach, intestines or rectum. Our specially trained and experienced team of doctors and specialist staff will ensure that the examination is as pleasant as possible for you and will provide you with competent and comprehensive care.
preparation for colonoscopy